Four Days of Honor and Valor in Gettysburg

Documentary Review
Mike Lewis


What an amazing effort by Tony and Kitch Mussari.


I wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact of this documentary.

High School ROTC cadets meet and spend time with a few of the men who received the nation’s highest military honor. It all happens during the 2013 Medal of Honor Convention in one of the most significant cities in American history. Gettysburg!

An amazing backdrop that takes viewers on a wonderfully hopeful, educational and insightful journey that leaves you wanting more!

Wait until you see how Medal of Honor recipients relay what they’ve learned to the young cadets and how it impacts these potential future leaders.

I was struck by the character traits shared by the Medal of Honor recipients in this program and how each trait could or should be applied to my daily civilian life!
I think after you see it, you’ll share my view on this documentary.

You will walk away with new hope for a nation and a renewed hope for your own life!
I sure did.

The on screen look of this documentary is perfect.

The editing is wonderfully paced and includes hundreds of graphics that re-enforce what’s being said on screen. 

Clearly, the writer, photographer and producers of this documentary have invested thousands of hours of work in this project.

Yet, there’s nothing slick here. 

Just thoughtful, insightful work, with a potential life-changing message for young and old alike.

The best yet, from Tony and Kitch Mussari.