Women Making History: A Perfect Day at the Port of Baltimore, March 21, 2013
Written by Tony Mussari, Sr.
Edited by Kitch Loftus-Mussari
Digital Photographs Tony Mussari
Copyright 2013
The Face of America Project
Mussari-Loftus Associates, LTD
You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. John Wooden
The Day in Context
March 21, is known for many things. It is the first day of spring and World Poetry Day. For those who follow the astrological year, it is the first full day of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It symbolizes leadership
In 1928, Charles Lindbergh received the Congressional Medal of Honor on March 21, for his first solo trans-Atlantic flight. In 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. lead 3,200 people in the start of the third civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery.
On this March 21, more than 200 people came together for breakfast at the Sparrows Point Country Club in Baltimore, Maryland, to celebrate Women in Port Security with a panel discussion and the presentation of the Woman of the Year award to Vice Admiral Sally Brice-O’Hara, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired.
The Setting
Surrounded by water on one side and a golf course on the other, the country club sits majestically on the crest of a small hill. If you are looking for a beautiful setting, this is it.
If you are looking for beautiful people in all the ways that matter, one need only enter the banquet hall.
In every corner of the room, one could feel the welcoming atmosphere of community, confraternity, celebration, diversity, inclusion and everything that America represents on its best day.
Each table was tastefully decorated with a patriotic centerpiece. Colorful baskets of flowers were carefully placed around the room, and attractive signs acknowledged corporate sponsors and the history of the United States Coast Guard.
Mary Jane Norris, Manager, Port Operations Services, is a talented woman with a million dollar smile. She and her committee attended to every detail.
The Program
The program began with an inspirational presentation of the colors by a group of teenagers from Baltimore, and a patriotic expression of the Pledge of Allegiance by everyone in the room.
Rev. Mary Davisson, Executive Director/Chaplain the Baltimore Seafarers’ Center, read a thoughtful invocation prayer asking God’s blessing on everyone in the room.
Mr. James White, Executive Director of the Maryland Port Authority extended a warm welcome to the annual celebration of women.
Kathy Broadwater, Maryland Port Administrator, introduced Vice Admiral, Sally Brice-O’Hara with words of respect and gratitude:
“She began her service at a time when there were very few women in the Coast Guard, and, frankly, many did not want women there. In common with past honorees, she stuck with it, did the job to the best of her ability and showed through her performance that women could do the job as well or better than men.”
“Our honoree rose to the rank of Vice Admiral and served as Vice Commandant of the entire US Coast Guard at the time of her retirement. To put this in perspective, in 2012 the Coast Guard had a little over 6,800 officers and only 3 were Vice Admirals- less than one percent of all officers. This is a significant achievement for either gender. It’s particularly notable considering less than 19% of the officer corps was female at the time.”
The Honoree
Vice Admiral Sally Brice-O’Hara is a quiet, competent person who exudes dignity and class. When she approached the podium, the room filled with the quiet sound of expectation.
She began her remarks with a quote from one of the Coast Guard’s most famous pathfinders, Captain Dorothy Stratton:
Since we were untried, we knew that if one failed, we all failed. That is why we tried so hard.
Those 20 words set the tone for a speech that captivated everyone in the room. It was compelling, candid, conversational and filled with examples of leadership and service.
She admitted that she felt that the weight of all women was on her shoulders, and she had a responsibility to be professional. She wanted to contribute and create opportunities for women in the Coast Guard.
When she entered the service she thought she would honor a six year obligation and then go on to other things, but that was not meant to be. In 2012, she had given more than 37 years to the Coast Guard. She honored 19 different assignments, and she rose to the position of second in command.
This is how she summarized the important things she learned during her career:
1. Get as much training and professional development as possible;
2. It takes effort, self-study and extra work to move forward;
3. To survive in a dynamic era like the digital age you must learn to adapt;
4. Find several mentors. If you ask people for assistance they will respond;
5. Have patience. It takes time to make progress;
6. When you experience negative examples of leadership, you learn how not to do things;
7. It takes energy, commitment and time to become a mentor. Become a mentor anyway;
8. Do not become a “Queen Bee.” Break down barriers and help other women move forward;
9. Select your partner carefully, because he or she is an essential part of your team;
10. When you are given a command position, select people who are not “yes” people. You will benefit from different ideas;
11. Always remember the team is paramount. We live in a no-fail environment. Everything is done in a team environment, and you must know and honor your responsibility to the team;
12. Be an open and honest broker. It will create the climate for the best decisions.
While Admiral Brice-O’Hara was speaking you could hear a pin drop in the room. Her compelling story and her thoughtful advice reminded me of the words of one of her heroes, Dorothy Stratton:
We wanted to serve our country in its hour of need. The Coast Guard gave us this opportunity and we did our job well. Semper Paratus.
Admiral Brice-O’Hara’s speech set the tone for the panel discussion that followed.
A Panel of Experts
Mistress of Ceremonies Cecilia Donovan was generous in her introduction of Margurite Cooper, Securitas Security Services, Susan Miller, MDTA Police Officer, Cindy Milligan, Pride International and Kristina Tanasichuk, President and Founder of “Women in Homeland Security” Organization.
Looking at these women, and listening to their stories and their advice to other women, I thought to myself if ever there was a portrait of the Face of America on its best day, this is it.
Margurite Cooper encouraged everyone in the room to hire only the best qualified people. Susan Miller captured my attention with her honesty and sincerity. I want to help people, and I believe women bring a softer touch to difficult situations.
Cindy Milligan emphasized the need to adapt to change and to figure things out. The ability to multitask and the desire for continuous learning are invaluable assets for employees.
Kristina Tanasichuk is a first generation American. She recommended that everyone should join organizations that do things they care about. That’s why she started “Women in Homeland Security.”
What Is Leadership?
During the question and answer session, each woman shared her thoughts about the qualities necessary for effective leadership.
“It’s got a lot to do with confidence.” Kristina Tanasichuk
“Leaders must be able to communicate effectively.” Cindy Milligan
“Leadership is about confidence, empathy, listening effectively and hearing what people say.” Susan Miller
“Leadership is about ethics, a sense of integrity and discipline.” Margurite Cooper
‘Leadership is about optimism, energy, accountability and integrity. A leader follows up on promises made.” Vice Admiral Sally Brice-O’Hara
After the panel discussion, people gathered in small groups to express their gratitude and make connections.
Final Moments
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched a number of Panel members willingly provided a business card to anyone who wanted to stay in touch with them
In front of the room, Mary Jane Norris assembled her team for a group picture to recognize the individuals who made this event so successful.
Photographer Bill McAllen captured many of these “Kodak” moments. America at its Best
We went to The Sparrows Point Country Club on March We experienced a feeling of belonging that is central to the spirit of America.
We learned invaluable lessons about life and dealing with bumps in the road.
We were impressed and inspired by the people we met, the things we heard, the sense of community we experienced and the welcoming fellowship of people who are dedicated to the success of the Port of Baltimore, Women in Port Security, and America at its best.
Thank you Mary Jane Norris for giving us this Thank you Vice Admiral Sally Brice-O’Hara for your dedicated and impressive leadership, love of country and service to America.
The kindness, generosity of spirit Kitch and I experienced at the Sparrows Point Country Club on this brisk March morning demonstrated once again that the people who make America work are the heroes without headlines who do what they do in an effective way without noise or notice. They inspire others to reach up for the best edition of themselves, and they give truth to the words of Abraham Lincoln:
I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have.
Please provide feedback to: Coasties and Captain Kevin Kiefer approach Admiral Brice-O’Hara who was more than willing to answer their questions and give them encouragement.
21, to celebrate the life and accomplishments of a friend. We did not know what to expect. To our delight we discovered more than 200 living examples of America at its best.
incredible opportunity.