Posts Tagged ‘Medical care with compassion and kindness’

Beautiful Moments at Geisinger/CMC in Scranton

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

Beautiful Moments at Geisinger/CMC in Scranton

Written by Tony Mussari, Sr.
Edited by Kitch Loftus-Mussari
Photographs by Kitch Loftus-Mussari
Copyright Mussari-Loftus Associates, LTD 2014
All Rights Reserved

Moons and years pass by and are gone forever, but a beautiful moment shimmers through life a ray of light. Franz Grillparzer

Let’s be honest. Not many people enjoy going to a hospital no matter what the cause or the occasion. During theIMG_6379 past few months, Kitch and I have spent a good deal of time in the hospital. Our hospital of choice is Geisinger/CMC in Scranton.

Twice in the past three weeks, we drove to the hospital for a series of tests in the Radiology department. On both occasions, we experienced a kind of compassionate care that is encouraging and healing.

On October 22, we met a competent and kind ultrasound technician, Jay Kurilia. Jay is a welcoming person. Yes, the ultra sound test is non-invasive. It poses no threat to the patient. There is no exposure to radiation and no dyes are injected. Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the anxiety a patient experiences when he or she wonders what, if anything, will be discovered.

Working with Jay Kurilia was a pleasant experience. He treats his patients with great respect, and he explains what he is doing at every step in the process.


On October 31, while most people were preparing for Halloween, Kitch and I returned to Geisinger/CMC for another visit to the Radiology department. This time the test was a bit more involved.

The hepatobiliary (HIDA) scan is an imaging procedure used to diagnose problems in the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. A radioactive chemical is injected into a vein, and a nuclear medicine scanner tracks the flow of the dye from the liver into the gallbladder and the intestine.

The test was administered by Steve Eboli. Steve has been working at the hospital for 41 years, and he is perfect for the position he holds. His brother Joseph and a nurse named Jill comprise a three person team in the special suite where the test is performed.

Steve met us in the waiting room at 10:10 a.m. He introduced himself with a welcoming smile. He assured us that everything would go smoothly. Because of his professionalism, compassion and tact, it did.

Steve is a natural conversationalist. He has the gift ofIMG_6573 kindness. He goes out of his way to make the patient feel comfortable. He attends to little details. For example, when he told me the test is divided into three parts, and it would take about three hours, I asked him to share that information with Kitch. Without hesitation or complaint, he honored my request.

Steve’s colleague, a nurse named Jill, administered the injection in a way that caused no discomfort or pain.

During our conversations, we got to know each other, and we found a common connection. Steve graduated from high school in 1969 the same year as Kitch’s brother.

When I asked Steve if Kitch could enter the room to take a few pictures for this article, he welcomed the idea.

Final Steps

At about 12:15 p.m., I entered the lab for the final scan. To guarantee the success of this part of the test, 30 minutesIMG_6585 before the scan, I enjoyed three Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. That enabled Steve to trace the movement of the fatty material in my digestive system.

The test took but a few minutes. When it was finished, Steve walked with me to the room where Kitch was patiently waiting. Both of us thanked Steve for his help and his kindness.

As we were leaving the Radiology department, I saw a mother IMG_6597and two children walking toward us. It was a photo opportunity, I could not ignore.

I asked for permission to take a photograph of Jenn and her children, Jadya and Madie. While I was focusing the shot, I thought about all the people we met on this special day. I am sure there are similar photos of them with their parents.

The words of George Elliston provide a perfect description of our special day at Geisinger/CMC in Scranton:

How Beautiful a day can be when Kindness touches it.

Thank you, Jay Kurilia for your welcoming way.

Thank you, Steve Eboli for your help and kindness.

Thank you, Joseph Eboli for your cooperation.

Thank you, nurse Jill for the perfect injection.

Thank you, Jenn for your cooperation.

Thank you, Geisinger/CMC for medical care with competence and compassion

Everyone we met on this day is a classic example of the Face of America at its very best, and we were fortunate to meet them.

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