Posts Tagged ‘Mayor Troxell Gettysburg Pa’

Gettysburg Gifts: Part 2, Mayor William Troxell

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

Gettysburg Gifts, Part 2, Mayor William Troxell

Written by Tony Mussari
Edited by Kitch Loftus-Mussari
Photographs, Kitch & Tony Mussari
Copyright 2013, Face of America, Mussari-Loftus Associates, LTD.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

Three months ago, I had a coming together moment.Mayor_7854_250  It happened during the Medal of Honor flag raising in Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  Prior to the ceremony, I met and photographed Mayor William Troxell as he greeted people who came to participate in the ceremony. 

Last week, Kitch and I met with Mayor Troxell in his office. During that meeting we got to know the mayor up close and personal as some would say.

The Mayor is an engaging man, a good man, a kind man and a very interesting man. His family roots run deep into the soil of this historic town.  They were here during the American Revolution, and he and his brother have spent a good deal of time documenting the Troxell family tree.


When you are with the mayor you feel welcome and very comfortable.  That is a by-product of his humility. This is a man who is dedicated to service not debilitated by the false pride of power, prominence and influence. He is generous with his time, and he makes you feel welcome, wanted and valued.

His office is a museum of interesting artifacts of genealogy, and public service. When he learned about Kitch’s interest in her family history, he shared his experiences while compiling two manuscripts about his ancestors.

Then he took us to the Council Chamber, and heMayor5_7890_250 explained the origin and significance of the beautiful historical paintings that hang on every wall.

Kitch was taken by the huge painting of General Eisenhower. Her father served in Europe during World War II. She has spent many hours documenting his movement from Sicily to a liberated concentration camp in Germany.

I could not take my eyes off the unusual painting of Mayor4_7890_250Abraham Lincoln.  It is called the Blue Lincoln, and it has an intriguing quality of solemnity and sadness.

Before we left the municipal building, we discussed the protocol for the premiere of Walking Into The Light at Gettysburg and the banquet which would follow. The Mayor graciously accepted our invitation to welcome our guests at the screening, and he was a willing participant in a surprise we had planned for the elected officials from North Plainfield, New Jersey, who would be in attendance. He showed us the key to the city he would present to them, and he explained its symbolism.

Little did I know at the time, the mayor had a surprise of his own for Kitch and me.

It was so refreshing to work with Mayor Troxell.  HeKLMmayor_0925_250 did not play any power games. He was available, and enthusiastic about our film and the screening.  There were not filters or questions about the appropriateness of his attending the event. His staff did not make us jump through hoops to get a meeting with him.  He answered every e-mail. When we met, he affirmed our work, and he made us feel at home. I am convinced that we were treated no differently than any other person who would ask for his help.

On Saturday, January 19, Mayor Troxell and his wife became a part of our documentary family. There were no uncomfortable moments. They were there to help us, to enhance the experience for our guests and to do whatever they could do to represent Gettysburg in a warm and friendly manner.


Mayor Wiliam Troxell is accomplished in many ways; a celebrated high school athlete, a successful coach, a World War ll veteran, a respected member of his community and one of the longest serving mayors in Pennsylvania. These are all important elements in his resume, but in the end it is his kindness, his gentle spirit, his humility and his welcoming way that draws people to him and creates a bond of admiration, respect and gratitude.

Would that every leader in America had the innate gifts of leadership possessed by Mayor William Troxell.

Would that Gettysburg will have the able leadership of William Troxell for many years to come.

Thank You Mayor Troxell. You are a face of America on its best day, and we are in your debt.

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